Monday, August 22, 2011

Hungry for my Allah..

An absolutely heart wrenching reality bites into the lives of innocent people in Somalia..

As i sit down to a meal everyday at iftaar, my heart takes a greater hold over me and the food refuses to go down. I can't begin to imagine the hunger of the innocent people in Somalia, tears well up thinking of their starvation..

Their willpower is so great that despite their situation, they are still observing their fasts and performing their salaah with what ever little strength they have left. Alhumdulillah.. (All praise due to Allah)
Recently i heard a lecture about Somalia and the cries of their pain, more for the children who don't even understand anything.. I can't write anymore, i want to feel their pain.

We look into our lives, we have so much to be grateful for, why do we still question and yearn..

Little children displaced, mother's forced to breastfeed even when their body is so frail, that the child takes comfort in this ability to be with her mother even if it's not nourishing.. Allahu Akbar.. (Allahu Akbar)
Father's walking miles to the refugee camps trying to save their families.. On the way they have to make the greatest choice in their life, which child do they take with and which child do they leave behind.. The father is extremely weak himself that he cannot save his own children..

Humanitarian aid workers discovered a mother with her three little children in a refugee camp, the sight which greeted their concern was a sight they will live with forever. The mother had been dead for two days and the children just lay there..
I can't think of pain any more harder than this..

Yet, in all their agony, pain, starvation and weakness..their love for Allah has given them hope to carry on..
If this isn't great love for a Creator, then i cannot fathom what is..

Ya Allah..
I raise my hands to you in a state of such sadness..
Help these people of Somalia.. Ease their pain, Comfort their distress and cure their sickness.
Grant them ability as they were before and restore their lives to a happy place filled with prosperity..
Save their children, aid in their recuperation and bless those who have strived to aid their cries..
Ya Allah, save us from a disaster which plagues the soul and destroys the heart..
Ya Allah, in all Your might, create smiling faces on the victims of this horrible cicumstance..

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